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Global Scholars

Cape Henry Collegiate formed the Nexus Global Scholars Program in the fall of 2011. This program is designed to present a unique opportunity for Cape Henry Collegiate Upper School students to earn a Global Scholar designation on their Cape Henry Collegiate Diploma by completion of a prescribed curriculum and additional requirements during their four years in the Cape Henry Collegiate Upper School.

It is our hope that this opportunity will inspire students to explore global scholarship issues more fully in the classroom and take the effort and time to be involved in Nexus and non-Nexus globally oriented programs. This program will clearly differentiate students interested in pursuing global studies or wishing to distinguish themselves by showing greater international knowledge.

"The Nexus Global Scholars Program will enrich the Nexus program by vastly expanding its curricular components with requirements that provide a uniform path toward this diploma distinction," said Mr. William G. Fluharty, director of Nexus Global Studies.

Cape Henry Collegiate was the third independent school in the U.S. to offer a Global Scholars Program, and was highly commended for our school’s international studies program by the teams of representatives for the Virginia Association of Independent Schools and the Southern Association of Independent Schools during their recent accreditation visit.

Prior to their enrollment in the program, students must complete an online application through MyCompass. The Nexus Global Scholars committee will review the applications and notify those students who have gained admission to the program. Students who are applying to the Nexus Global Scholars Program must read the program criteria with their parents so they fully understand the commitment they are making.

We invite all interested and qualified students to apply to the program.

Global Scholars most definitely provided me with an in-depth understanding of people’s lives around the world, and how different they can be under governments very distinct from ours. With this level of awareness, my choice to participate in Navy ROTC in the hopes of commissioning as an officer upon graduating in four years was solidified. Global Scholars made it clear how lucky we are to live in the United States and attend a school like Cape Henry, and that’s a privilege I want to protect in the service.”

Jack Ferguson '24
Global Scholar

Global Scholars Program Overview

For more information, please contact Mr. Willy Fluharty, Director of the Nexus Global Studies Center.


Picture of students travel backpack.

Global Scholars Program

The World Is Our Classroom