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Faculty and Staff

Contact Information

Mrs. Katie Alpigini

Mrs. Katie Alpigini

Associate Director of College Counseling
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University
Ms. Jennifer Alvarez

Ms. Jennifer Alvarez

ESDP Assistant (PT)
Ms. Melissa Anderson

Ms. Melissa Anderson

Lower School Grade 5
B.A., Old Dominion University
Mrs. Leah Armstrong

Mrs. Leah Armstrong

Lower School Kindergarten
B.A., Old Dominion University
Mrs. Karey Baraga

Mrs. Karey Baraga

Middle School History and Social Science
Mrs. Grazia Barresi-Beggs

Mrs. Grazia Barresi-Beggs

Lower School Prekindergarten 3 Assistant (PT); ESDP Assistant (PT)
Mrs. Shannon Bartel-Slade

Mrs. Shannon Bartel-Slade

Middle School English
Randolph-Macon University
Mrs. Karen "Beth" Bayer

Mrs. Karen "Beth" Bayer

Lower School Music
B.M., Longwood University
M.M.E., Old Dominion University
Mrs. Christine "Chris" Behr

Mrs. Christine "Chris" Behr

Lower School Prekindergarten 3 and 4 Assistant (PT)
Mrs. Christine "Chrissy" Berl

Mrs. Christine "Chrissy" Berl

Middle School Counselor
M.A., The George Washington University
B.A., Clemson University
Mrs. Jessica "Jess" Blankenship

Mrs. Jessica "Jess" Blankenship

Operations Administrative Assistant
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University
Mrs. Krista Booth

Mrs. Krista Booth

Lower School Grade 4
M.S.Ed., Old Dominion University
B.S., Old Dominion University
Mrs. Dorothy Bouch

Mrs. Dorothy Bouch

Lower School Kindergarten Assistant
Mrs. Jamye Brown

Mrs. Jamye Brown

Head of Lower School
MS, Old Dominion University
BS, Old Dominion University
Mr. Jason Brown

Mr. Jason Brown

Piano Instructor (PT)
Ms. Angela Brown-Myers

Ms. Angela Brown-Myers

Middle and Upper School Performing Arts
Mr. David "Dave" Brun

Mr. David "Dave" Brun

B.A., Davis & Elkins College
Ms. Karen Buchardt

Ms. Karen Buchardt

Lower School Grade 2
B.S., Old Dominion University
M.S.Ed., Old Dominion University
Ms. Carol Bulkeley

Ms. Carol Bulkeley

Lower School Academic Center
B.A., Ithaca College
Mrs. Jessica Burgess

Mrs. Jessica Burgess

Lower School Grade 1
B.S., James Madison University
M.A.T., James Madison University
Ms. Leah Burroughs

Ms. Leah Burroughs

Lower School Grade 2
B.A., Old Dominion University
Mrs. Gabrielle Cabreros

Mrs. Gabrielle Cabreros

Upper School English
M.A., Middlebury College
B.A., University of Virginia
Mrs. Shelley Camp

Mrs. Shelley Camp

Upper School English
B.A., Purdue University
Mr. Darion Carr

Mr. Darion Carr

Technical Director
BA, Virginia Wesleyan University
Mr. Ken Carrier

Mr. Ken Carrier

Director of Student Life
B.S., University of Maryland
M.A., University of Denver
Ms. Martha Castro

Ms. Martha Castro

Middle School Spanish
Mrs. Christina Childs

Mrs. Christina Childs

Lower School Grade 4
Mrs. Nora Chiong

Mrs. Nora Chiong

Director of Human Resources
B.A., Saint Leo University
M.A., Villanova University
Mrs. Leigh Anne Clay

Mrs. Leigh Anne Clay

Middle School English
B.A., James Madison University
Mrs. Jennifer Cockrell

Mrs. Jennifer Cockrell

Lower School Grade 2
B.S., Old Dominion University
Mr. Erik Cofer

Mr. Erik Cofer

Upper School Science
B.A., Virginia Wesleyan College
Mrs. Diane Cruz

Mrs. Diane Cruz

Director of Fundraising Events
B.B.A., Marymount University
Mrs. Sarah Daye

Mrs. Sarah Daye

Mathematics Teacher
Mrs. Johanna "Joey" Deanes

Mrs. Johanna "Joey" Deanes

Lower School Grade 3
B.S., Old Dominion University
M.S.Ed., Old Dominion University / Norfolk State University
Mrs. Lauren "Lauri" Desai

Mrs. Lauren "Lauri" Desai

Lower School Kindergarten
Doctor of Education, Liberty University
B.S., Old Dominion University
M.S.Ed., Old Dominion University
Mr. Jason DiGioia

Mr. Jason DiGioia

Middle School English
Mrs. Kim Dooren

Mrs. Kim Dooren

Athletics Operations Coordinator
M.S.Ed., Old Dominion University
B.S., Old Dominion University
Ms. Sarah Douthwaite

Ms. Sarah Douthwaite

Director of Orchestras
Mrs. Loretta "Lori" Dunn

Mrs. Loretta "Lori" Dunn

Operations and Auxiliary Programs Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Lisa Edenfield

Mrs. Lisa Edenfield

Executive Assistant to the Head of School and Board of Trustees
Ms. Katherine "Katie" Edwards

Ms. Katherine "Katie" Edwards

Lower School Transition
MS, Old Dominion University
BS, Old Dominion University
Ms. Andrea Elliott

Ms. Andrea Elliott

Lower School Grade 3
B.A., Virginia Wesleyan College
Mrs. Lucinda Evans-Rush

Mrs. Lucinda Evans-Rush

Lower School Prekindergarten 4 Assistant (PT); ESDP Assistant (PT)
B.S., Norfolk State University
Mrs. Rebekah Everhart

Mrs. Rebekah Everhart

Piano Instructor (PT)
M.M.E., Boston University
M.A.T., Mary Baldwin University
B.A., Virginia Tech
Mrs. Christine Fagan

Mrs. Christine Fagan

Middle and Upper School Learning Support
B.S., Framingham State University
Mr. Tyler Faubert

Mr. Tyler Faubert

Assistant Athletic Director; Lower School Physical Education
B.S., Ferrum College
Mrs. Nancy Feigenbaum

Mrs. Nancy Feigenbaum

Middle and Upper School World Languages
B.A., Cornell University
Ms. Kimberly Fillius

Ms. Kimberly Fillius

Business Office Assistant; Bus Transportation Coordinator; The Brooks Family Spirit Store Manager
Old Dominion University
Mrs. Angela "Angie" Finley

Mrs. Angela "Angie" Finley

Assistant Director of Admissions
ADN, Radford Community Hospital
Mr. William Fluharty

Mr. William Fluharty

Director of Strategy and Innovation; Director of the Nexus Center for Global Studies
M.A., University of Virginia
B.A., Lehigh University
Ms. Michelle Frasher

Ms. Michelle Frasher

Middle School Mathematics
M.A., California State University, Fresno
B.A., Mary Washington College
Dr. Christopher Garran

Dr. Christopher Garran

Head of School
Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park
M.A.T., American University
B.A., American University
Mrs. Katherine Gelwick

Mrs. Katherine Gelwick

Executive Administrative Assistant to the Lower School
B.S., University of Colorado
Mr. Billy Gilbert

Mr. Billy Gilbert

Security Officer
Mrs. Kathryn "Kathy" Greene

Mrs. Kathryn "Kathy" Greene

Lower School Grade 1
B.S., James Madison University
Mrs. Leigh Gregory

Mrs. Leigh Gregory

Upper School Science
J.D., University of Georgia
M.S., Clemson University
Mr. Charles  Guido

Mr. Charles Guido

Upper School Mathematics
M.S.Ed., Old Dominion University
B.A., Old Dominion University
Mrs. Karen Guluzian

Mrs. Karen Guluzian

Upper School Mathematics
M.A., University of California, San Diego
B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz
Mrs. Susan Hagadorn

Mrs. Susan Hagadorn

Lower School Grade 2
B.A., Virginia Wesleyan College
Mr. Mark Hall Jr.

Mr. Mark Hall Jr.

Director of Auxiliary Programs; Director of Community Outreach Partnerships
B.S., Chowan College
Mrs. Leesa Hannah

Mrs. Leesa Hannah

Advancement Associate
Certificate in School Management and Leadership, Harvard
H.B.Ed., Westminster College and University of Oxford

Mr. Bakari Hardeman

Maintenance Technician
Dr.  Elsie  Harold Lans

Dr. Elsie Harold Lans

Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
Ed.D., The George Washington University
Ed.S., The George Washington University
M.S., Troy State University
B.S., Hampton University
Mrs. Constance "Connie" Harris

Mrs. Constance "Connie" Harris

College Counseling Administrative Assistant
B.A., Virginia Wesleyan College
Mrs. Susan Harris

Mrs. Susan Harris

Lower School Grade 1
B.S., Longwood College
Mrs. Brooke Harrison

Mrs. Brooke Harrison

Lower School World Languages
M.S.Ed., American College of Education
B.A., Virginia Wesleyan College
Ms. Jessica Hartsfield

Ms. Jessica Hartsfield

Dance Instructor (PT)
Mr. Joseph "Joe" Harvich

Mr. Joseph "Joe" Harvich

Lower and Middle School Physical Education
B.S., Radford University
Mrs. Amanda Hayes

Mrs. Amanda Hayes

Assistant Head of School for Academics; Head of Middle School
M.Ed., Florida Gulf Coast University
B.A., Dickinson College
Mrs. Amber Hecker

Mrs. Amber Hecker

Nexus Global Studies Operations Manager
M.A.Ed., College of William and Mary
B.A., Loyola University New Orleans
Mr. Howie Hodapp

Mr. Howie Hodapp

Mathematics Teacher & Varsity Track & Field Coach
B.A., Old Dominion University
B.S., Old Dominion University
Mr. William "Will" Holland

Mr. William "Will" Holland

Food Services Director
Mr. LaVon Hoody

Mr. LaVon Hoody

Maintenance Technician
Mrs. Tina Howard

Mrs. Tina Howard

Perry Library Faculty
B.S., Old Dominion University
Mrs. Brooke Hummel

Mrs. Brooke Hummel

Assistant Head of School and Director of Advancement
M.Ed., Towson University
B.S., Old Dominion University
Mrs. Kelly Hummel

Mrs. Kelly Hummel

Head School Nurse
B.S., Old Dominion University
Mr. Jacob "Jake" Illy

Mr. Jacob "Jake" Illy

Maintenance Technician
A.A.S., Advanced Technology Institute
Mr. Kyle Illy

Mr. Kyle Illy

Help Desk and Technology Support Technician
Ms. Kim Johnson

Ms. Kim Johnson

Upper School Science
B.S., Longwood University
M.S., Longwood University
Mrs.  Hayley Jones

Mrs. Hayley Jones

ESDP Assistant (PT)
Mr. Willie Jones

Mr. Willie Jones

Security Officer
Ms. Robyn Judge

Ms. Robyn Judge

Upper School English
B.A., Virginia Wesleyan College
Mrs. Heidi Kaiktsian

Mrs. Heidi Kaiktsian

Lower School Grade 5
B.A., State University of New York at Buffalo
M.A., The George Washington University
Ms. Mary Kanakaris

Ms. Mary Kanakaris

School Registrar
Mrs. Roberta Kavanaugh

Mrs. Roberta Kavanaugh

Lower School Prekindergarten 4
B.A., University of South Carolina
M.A., Lewis University
Mrs. Sarah Kelbaugh

Mrs. Sarah Kelbaugh

Lower School Prekindergarten 3
B.S., Lynchburg College
Mrs. Gabrielle Kenison

Mrs. Gabrielle Kenison

Director of Learning Support
B.A., Virginia Wesleyan College
M.S., Radford University
B.S., Radford University
Ed.S., The George Washington University
Mrs. Nicole Lauruska

Mrs. Nicole Lauruska

Accounting Manager; Director of Accounts Receivable and Student Accounts
Ms. Beth Lenker

Ms. Beth Lenker

Middle School Science
Mr. Sammie Logan Jr.

Mr. Sammie Logan Jr.

Director of Choruses
B.M., Old Dominion University
M.S.Ed., Old Dominion University
Mrs. Sarah Lucas

Mrs. Sarah Lucas

Middle and Upper School World Languages
B.A., College of William and Mary
M.A., Middlebury College
Mr. Dan Lujan

Mr. Dan Lujan

Security Officer
Mrs. Kristyl "Krissy" Lyle

Mrs. Kristyl "Krissy" Lyle

Middle School Science
M.S.Ed., Regent University
B.S., Old Dominion University
Mrs. Tara Martel

Mrs. Tara Martel

Lower School Prekindergarten 3 and 4
B.S., Old Dominion University
M.S.Ed., Old Dominion University
Mrs. Amy Martin

Mrs. Amy Martin

Upper School History and Social Science
B.S., East Carolina University
Mrs. Karen Mason

Mrs. Karen Mason

Administrative Assistant to the Major Gifts Officer (PT)
M.S.Ed., Old Dominion University
B.A., Mary Washington College
Mrs. Megan Mattson

Mrs. Megan Mattson

Middle and Upper School Art; Digital and Visual Arts Department Chair
M.S.Ed., Kutztown University
B.S., New York University

Mr. Vidner McCraw

Security Officer
Mr. Scott McGraw

Mr. Scott McGraw

Upper School History and Social Science
B.A., Emory University
J.D., University of Virginia
Mrs. Jacqueline Melendez

Mrs. Jacqueline Melendez

Executive Administrative Assistant to the Middle School
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Faculty and Staff Picture.

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